Monday, June 20, 2011

Malaysia Airlines A330-300 (New)

Oh yea, I'm so luvin' this plane. But too bad the chances of me riding it is on KL-Kuching route. On this plane, time passes like nutz.

Leather couch FTW! This is just economy class. I feel like in first class.
Can't find the hole to plug in the headphone at first. Its on your seat actually.

No wonder MAS is posting a lost at the moment. Looking forward to MAS bringing more of goodstuffs to frequent air travelers ^^.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools!

Dammit got me!
Google introduced this awesome idea of Google Motion

Initially I thought it was stupid after looking at a picture of 3 people acting like idiots here.

Ah, but what the heck. Just wanted to give it a try. Then this shows up

I forgot it's already April =.=|||

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Come To Think Of It...

Supermoon ain't that big in Malaysia.

This looks big because the camera is fixed with a super mighty awesome lens but I've seen bigger.

This one is taken on 17th February, during Chap Goh Mei.  So now what's the big deal about supermoon?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Did the Moon Caused the Earthquake Near Japan?

Be warned that this is just assumption made up after a few days ago I read an article right over here about the term 'Supermoon'. To me it seems like a baseless assumptions at first but come to think of it, the distance might actually have something to do with the earthquake. Undeniably the Pacific Ring of Fire did play a major role in the recent event too.


Of course I'm not saying that all catastrophic disaster or earthquake is caused by the Moon getting too close to Earth which eventually will collide and everyone will turned into barbecue meat and aliens will soon find us delicious. Save that for doomsday. What I'm trying to imply here is by relating pass earthquake which I found might have link to the Moon being too close. 

Before we head to Japan, let us go way back in history to 22 May 1960, the year where the largest earthquake in history ever struck mankind at 9.5, so far (we never know what Kim Jong-Il's hobby of underground nuking will do), the Moon was just 358351 km away on 12 May and 357324 km away from us on 10 Jun. There's a calculator for the distance here. That's 18 days from Jun and 10 days from May. 

Not sure what happened to the person who took this picture in Indonesia

Probably this could be a coincidence, but let's check out the 9.2 Richter scale Indian Ocean earthquake on December 26, 2004. The moon was just 357985 km away from us, yet again at quite a close range. Still not enough? What about the  Haiti Earthquake January 12 and the Chilean Earthquake on February 27, both in 2010. Miss Moon was pretty damn close to us on January 30 at a distance of 356592 km and  357831 km away on February 27. 

Damn it's massive!

And now onwards to Japan, at a distance of 356577 km on May 19 (8 days way from he quake), the closest ever the Moon coming to Earth in 19 years, all hell just broke loose. Luckily for the Japanese, they have God-given skill in civil engineering and since they know what's gonna hit them, an emergency plan is already been planned since like decades ago. I'm pretty sure they can minimize the lost drastically but for sure the lost is definitely still unbearable and will be a international disaster.

Where are the huge airliner? They just vanished without refueling?

I tried to Google more about the relation between the distance and earthquake but nothing factual came up and only rebuttals on the assumption from Mr. Sun. Apparently he got jealous because his solar flares can't spark up mayhem on Earth, only our mobile phones and making us drench in biologically salty water. Too bad, better luck next time.

Whether this assumption is true or otherwise, lets realize that we have a responsibility towards mother nature and try not piss her off too much. I'm talking about you, Kim Jong-Il. And China and America. You're up next India.

Anyways, let us take a moment of silence and pray for victims of the devastating earthquake in Japan that they will return to their loved ones soon. Also to the people in countries which the tsunami will eventually reach them soon, or not, better prepare yourselves and pray it doesn't come: Hawaii, Australia, Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, New Zealand, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and Chile.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sennheiser HD 212 Pro

Yeah, finally a pair of 'cans' I'm waiting for. My first big budget headphone to cause me deaf. I read lots of good reviews on tis headphone about it being beastly in bass. It better be because it's a  Sennheiser DJ headphone.

The packaging looks kinda cheap though but don't let that fool you! This headphone comes with serious stuffs! Upon wearing it, it snugs perfectly to my ears but my friend complained that it's slightly small for him. I guess his head was too big. Design wise was averagely great, nothing glamor to the likes of Beats.

Performance was awesome, but I think it is a little too bassy for me. If it was slightly less bassy, probably it would be ok but some people like it that way. Makes you feel like an 'ah beng' when listen to techno. Sound details was crisp and clear but if your song has too much digital bass in it, it will probably cause less details.

The thing I like is the removal cords from the headphone, since sometimes you want to put it around your neck without wires dangling around, this feature really helps.

Last but not least is the swivel part of the headphone. Sort of nice and helps with comfortability. A simple idea turned great. Then again, if you feel your head is too big, avoid this headphone. Get a sub-woofer instead and stick it to your ears.

Here's my personal rating on it. You can get other reviews by just asking Mr. Google
Sound Quality: 4/5
Design: 3/5
Comfortability: 3/5
Product Quality: 3.5/5
Price: 4/5

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Coca-Cola Without The 'Coke' : Recipe Reveiled

So at long last, the famous Coca-cola recipe is revealed after so much hype was given on it which sort of turn into a marketing stint.  It was uncovered from a book dated back at Feb. 18, 1979.

So the recipe goes like this

The recipe:
Fluid extract of Coca: 3 drams USP
Citric acid: 3 oz
Caffeine: 1 oz
Sugar: 30 (unclear quantity)
Water: 2.5 gal
Lime juice: 2 pints, 1 quart
Vanilla: 1 oz
Caramel: 1.5 oz or more for color
The secret 7X flavor (use 2 oz of flavor to 5 gals syrup):
Alcohol: 8 oz
Orange oil: 20 drops
Lemon oil: 30 drops
Nutmeg oil: 10 drops
Coriander: 5 drops
Neroli: 10 drops
Cinnamon: 10 drops

For the sugar part, I'm guessing it's 30 loads of trucks poured into it. And alcohol? We're gonna see havoc, rampage, people exploding and boycott soon.

Anyways, you won't be able to make it because the cocoa extract, only 1 factory, yes, ONE in the US is able to do it. As in to extract the fluid without the cocaine aka Coke. So, I'm just wondering if the rest of the world is having the same 7X flavour recipe.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Malaysia Motoring Industry

Like always, Malaysia's motoring is industry is plagued by AP and high import taxes of foreign cars. However with the recent great news of tax exemption of hybrid cars with an engine of 2.0 or lower, Malaysians are seeing a light of hope at the end of the tunnel.

Sadly, that's far from the case

Recent launch of the Toyota Prius, one of the most lovable car to hate by car enthusiast is finally on our shores. Price? In US, it's $22,800. Here? RM175,000. In the Free World currency, that's $54,000. Ok fine. Considering the fact that it takes money to ship it over pirate infested waters, let's just assume it's $10,000. So $44,000? Feels like highway robbery to me.

Most recent Lexus CT200h. $29,120 vs RM 168,000. I'm not going to do the bashing, let your mind do it.

UMW is the real axis-of-evil. So what I suggest is buy their stocks, cause they are going to profit like crazy. This is to compensate your lost if you bought a car from them.

One thing I notice apart from hybrids is

Inspira vs Lancer, the real thing.
Inspira is made in a country where it's GDP is less than that of where Liberty stands. Some more its presumably Buatan Malaysia. Comparing both models prices, RM78,999 vs $14,790, one would think why Proton is charging the rakyat extra after all they are the main culprits on imported cars being expensive in the first place. Is it because it 'Engineered by Lotus' badge with a tuned handling cost $10,000?  So far this is not an issue to Malaysians at all though.

Malaysians being Malaysians just naively accepts everything without thinking. Not implying you of course, I'm implying on the ones who watch RTM TV1 & TV2 everyday and thinks parliamentary members aka wakil rakyat must be escorted by dozens of police traffic and cause massive traffic jam.

Thankfully though, the there seems to be a little light of hope after all. From Honda. At least they are not massively blood sucking Malaysians.

Starting at the price of RM98,000 is slightly acceptable compared to $19,800. Minus this and that and that into pockets, Honda seems to be the light among the darkness, hopefully. Just wait till they bring in the CR-Z hybrid and then we can justify their direction in Malaysia.

This kind of price trend will be ongoing even if AP is abolished in the future. This is just the start.

Dear Tun Mahathir, this is one of your failures, don't forget. Thanks to you car prices are skyrocketed in line with the trend that harga minyak naik, semua naik. Harga minyak turun, takda turun , even if AP is remove in the future. Vroom Vroom